Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Veteran's Day!

The weather is nice and the sun is high on this wonderful Sunday.  Time goes by so quickly and just as the summer has come and gone, fall is rapidly passing by.  I have three more weeks of the school semester until I am two classes and three days of intense exams away from completing my degree.

Usually this time in the school session I am in panic mode and lock myself away to finish whatever reports and papers I left off for the end but I am oddly at ease this time around. Maybe it's senioritis, or maybe I genuinely have less on my plate this semester. Either way, I have a high spirit and sense of drive and accomplishment about me.
Quite fitting then, I decided to draw a tarot card for the day and Hazaa!  the Ace of Wands - a card about hope, passion, and drive for accomplishing goals and welcoming new endeavors.  Reflective of this card, my attention has indeed been turned from mucking my way through books to developing plans and hopes for the future. I spend my days wondering what post-grad/married life will bring.  Unfortunately, there is still some time to go and tasks to complete before I will find out and hopefully my trip to Barnes and Nobles for this nifty new planner will keep me focused on the here and now. (I adore planners...the joy of writing things down and crossing them off when done is beyond anything. Don't you agree?) Or it may distract me just enough from class to keep me there by numbering days until winter, my anniversary, my wedding, exams, graduation....and anything else I can think of!

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