Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Brooms and Besoms

The wedding besom is a ceremonial broom used in marriage ceremonies.  This practice has occurred historically in many different cultures.  Most likely, its use is due to the association of a broom with home and hearth, and by extension with the concept of family.  In Great Britain and Wales, the jumping of a broom was a sort of official-unofficial wedding.  It was considered official and resulted in a legitimate union in the eyes of the communities, but could easily be undone. In Wales, this process would involve jumping over the broom into the prospective home by the couple together in front of witnesses.  Either member could later jump backwards over the broom in front of witnesses to annul the marriage.  (George Monger - Marriage Customs of the World).

These traditions are most seen continued today by couples of African descent. But in the subculture of wedding ceremonies, they are also used by those practicing a Pagan religion for its relation to British and Celtic customs, of which many neo-Pagan religions are based on.  The connotation often associated with this "jumping of the broom" today says the broom symbolizes that the past is swept clean and the couple will take their first leap of faith together into the new life with a clean slate. This would be the root of my decision to have a special besom for my big day.  Of course many are available online by people who are either specializing in these historical items from dedicated besom online-stores, or even more easily found on Etsy.

However, as with most things Crafty, I felt it would be much more meaningful to create my own.  Now as I am certainly no broom-crafter by trade, I knew I would keep the actual construct simple, and instead dress it up with sparkly, colorful ribbons and flowers.  After all, it is a spring wedding!  My colors are hot pink and silver, so I went all out on the ribbon.  Pretty much all the supplies were purchased at Michaels, a few of the flowers were picked up while I happened across them at Wal-mart and JoAnn fabrics.

With a little creativity and hot glue, I have to say I am very pleased with the outcome.  While my parents seem to be torn between a sense of pride in my uniqueness and tenacity and a sense of caution about my "weird" spiritual choices, even they seemed impressed and excited about my wedding broom.  Great success!

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