Alrightly, so I figure it's time to actually start posting about what I am DOING for fitness and not just want I read about and plan on doing. Tuesday warrior energy - utilized. I admit, it has not been a very productive work out week. I tried one of Melissa Bender's at home work outs last week between exams, just one of the
10 minute core workouts. I ended up with sore-to-the-point-of-unusable thighs for the next 3 days. And I mean, this was the worst post work out soreness I have ever experienced. Talk about efficient exercise time management. I don't know if it was because I did not stretch properly, or I am just incredible out of shape. Either way - I took a 5 day break from working out...
Well, I got my sea legs back and hopped back on that horse today. I decided with the intensity of the last workout, it's best I stick to the short ones, and refrain from moving beyond beginner level suggestions at that. I haven't jogged in a while either with the cold front causing some hesitation about going outside. So I found a quick, in-home
cardio routine. Advice: think ahead when prepping for a workout! Tennis shoes, yoga mat, strategic placing over an area rug, etc. Also interval timers prove helpful for her particular work outs - I was using my fiance for this until he resigned and found an iphone app (Seconds) for this. I followed up with an easy dog walk because they haven't gone out on a full walk in a while. Overall, this workout (plus pre-workout stretching) went very well. I guess I will find out how I feel tomorrow.
Chips, dip and pasta: never-mind the mismatched dishes |
I let the dogs loose for water back at the house, and made up a glass of chocolate almond milk for myself. I read several times that chocolate milk is a great post-workout drink for the nutrients and energy it provides. I have had some bouts with heartburn recently so I've swapped for almond milk (FYI, good soother for cranky reflux). I cooked garden veggie pasta with a simple sauce of tomatos, chili pepper, garlic, and thai red curry paste. Just enough to have flavor, but not actually be hot. I topped it off with reduced fat goat cheese. For a side I heated up some left over homemade potato chips - not at all healthy, but I had them leftover from our last dinner out :P
I even made up a version of the sauce they were served with at Whale's Rib. (According to my taste buds, that would be mayo, dijon mustard, oil and red wine vinegar and just a pinch of sugar). Tasted like a match to me! Again, not advisable, but waste not want not.
My goal is to keep up a simple but regular routine. I'm more concerned at the moment with making exercise a habit than I am with those workouts being at bootcamp level. At this point, slow and steady wins the race. Short, simple workouts just to make sure I actually do them.
I even put a little post it on my desktop to remind me how much I should get done in a week. I did not schedule these focus areas on days, or even for durations or designate if any are in the same day or not. I just want to work on these areas, this number of times in a week. They say that once you have done something for a month, it becomes habit. Two weeks of consistant workout is my I'm halfway there, right?
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